Cards in Genesis Maximum

UR Rarity
Harpie's Pet Dragon
UR Rarity
Thunder Cavalry Triggerdrago
UR Rarity
Yggdrago the Sky Emperor
SR Rarity
Attrashoot Hydron
SR Rarity
Karatake the Talismanic Warrior
SR Rarity
Rising Light Angel Essel
SR Rarity
Royal Rebel's Invasion
SR Rarity
Sensor Duckbuill
SR Rarity
Sevens Road Mage
SR Rarity
Shadow Buyer
SR Rarity
Sportsdragon Striker
SR Rarity
Stormbolt Destroyer
SR Rarity
Stop Defense
SR Rarity
Talismanic Seal Array
SR Rarity
Thunder Spark
R Rarity
Blast Jaws
R Rarity
Cobalt Cobolt
R Rarity
Fazuzu the King of Mythical Wind Beasts
R Rarity
Light Sorcerer
R Rarity
Plaster Scout
R Rarity
R Rarity
Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord
R Rarity
Barrage of Steel
R Rarity
Trailblitzing Thunderblast
R Rarity
Counter Pigeons
N Rarity
N Rarity
Connector Dog
N Rarity
Dark Femtron
N Rarity
Dragon Merchant
N Rarity
Faith Bird
N Rarity
Reset Runner
N Rarity
Shrinker Shrimp
N Rarity
Surge Bolt Lizard
N Rarity
N Rarity
Pair Production
N Rarity
Quantum Hole